Windows Longhorn build 4011

Build of Windows Longhorn
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number4011
Build labmain
Compiled on2003-03-05
Expiration date
Timebomb2004-03-01 (+362 days)
Product key
About dialog
Lh4011 Winver.png
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows Longhorn build 4011 is a Milestone 4 build of Windows Longhorn that was shared online on 21 July 2006.[1] At this point, it is relatively the same as build 4008, though virtually all references to Windows XP have been removed.

The copyright date in the winver banner, which displayed as "2006" in builds 4008 and 4005, was corrected in this build, now displaying as "1985-2003".

Setup[edit | edit source]

Compared to the previous build, all inputted characters when typing in the product key will now be uppercase, alongside dashes being added after every five letters. After getting past partitioning, setup now also asks for a computer name.

New features[edit | edit source]

  • The Windows XP boot screen has been replaced with a new Longhorn boot screen, removing the final few references to Windows XP. However, Windows Messenger still throws out .NET Passport notifications which still mention Windows XP. The Windows XP Tour, which was removed in build 5048, is also still included.
  • The Parental Controls icon has been updated.
Parental controls icon difference between 4008 (left) and 4011 (right)
  • The Desktop Compositing Engine now works again, after previously being broken in build 4008. However, it only provides transparency effects.
  • The design of the notifications have been updated.
  • It is now possible to use the new Avalon taskbar/sidebar settings application while having the new taskbar enabled.
  • The title bar in Explorer has been slightly updated, with it now using a gradient instead of a solid color, alongside the icon of the running application.
  • The 3D View background has been added in this build and is similar to the one in build 4066. It can be enabled by right clicking the desktop, while holding the ⇧ Shift key, selecting View and then 3D View.
    • Along with that, desktop icons have received the spinning effect.

Sidebar[edit | edit source]

The Sidebar has gained some major uplifts with new tiles being added, including options, which serves the same purpose as right-clicking on the Sidebar. Other tiles, such as the Search tile, have been updated slightly, while a few others, such as the Windows Media Player tile, no longer requiring registry modifications to be available, most likely being updated as well.

Although the Windows Media Player tile no longer crashes upon adding a sound file unlike build 4032, it cannot play anything due to the buttons having little to no functionality. The Longhorn Status tile is still not available by default, but it can be enabled with the following registry file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartBar\Modules\Longhorn Status]
"Friendly Name"="Longhorn Status"

NFO file[edit | edit source]

Build 4011 was leaked with the following NFO.

NFO contents

          ?███████████████?                 ▒██████████████??                   
        █████████████████████             ?█████████████████████                
      ?████████████████████████          ?████████████?   ▒?█████?              
      █████████?????    ████████?       ?█████████?           ?███?             
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   ██████████?             █████████        ??             ██████████████       
   ?███████████▒       ?████████████  ?██████████          ██████████████       
    ▒██████████████████████████████? ██████████████       ▒██████████████       
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?█?                                     ?████████?                          ████ 
?██?                                                                        ?███ 
?████ Presents:                                     ▒███ 
▒███?         Microsoft Longhorn Professional 4011                          ?██▒
  ████                                                                      ?██▒
  ▒███                                                                     ?███ 
   ███?      Brought to you by: Netscrape, ReflectiaX & Grabberslasher      ███? 
    ▒███▒                                                                 ?███? 
 ▒██████?                                                                  ████ 
██████??                                                                    ███?
███?                                      ?██?
▒███?     ?██?                                                             ?███ 
 ███?   ▒█████?                                                           ████? 
 ████  ?████▒                                                            ?███?  
  ███??███            ?█████              ????    ?███?????????▒?        ▒███   
  ?██████▒▒?▒???█████████████          ███████████████████████████▒      ?███▒  
  ?██?▒█████████████████? ████▒      ██████████████?▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒?███████▒   ████  
▒████ ?████???██▒          ?████?  █████▒     ▒?                ?████?    ▒███? 
████   ?█████                █████████▒                                    ███? 
███▒      ████?                ▒████▒        General Info                  ███? 
?███?     ?████?                                                           ?███ 
 ████       ???                                                             ███?
 ?███▒                                                                      ███ 
  ?███?    Disc Type..................: CD Image (.iso)                    ████ 
 █████     Program Platform...........: x86                               ?███? 
 ████      Program Category...........: OS Beta                            ▒███  
 ?███?     Build string...............: 4011.main.030305-2045              ████ 
 ▒███      # of discs.................: 1                                   ?███ 
 ▒███      Serial #...................: CKY24-Q8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-T847Y        ███ 
 ▒███      OSBA Release Date..........: July 21, 2006                      ?███ 
 ?███▒                                                                    ▒███  
 ?███▒                                                         ?██?       ▒███  
  ████                                                         ████       █████?
   ████         ▒██?                                           ?████▒     ?█████
   ?███?      ██████?    ?██████?                                ?███████      ?
    ?████  ███████████?███████████▒                ▒████?▒▒???███████████?   ▒██
      ████ ████?  ▒███████?    ████▒   ??███████████████████████████████▒   ████
      ?███           ▒?▒        ?███?███████████████▒  ??████??   ▒████?   ████ 
 ?███████?                       ?███████?                      ?████     ████? 
███████?     Disc Information       ███?                         ?██▒     ████   
███?                                                                    ████    
▒███       Image Format.................: .iso                          ███?    
 ████▒     Images are bootable?.........: Yes                            ███?    
  ▒███▒    Images have been tested?.....: Yes                            ?███?   
███?                                                                     ███?
▒███?     ?██?                                                           ███ 
 ███?   ▒█████?                                                           ████? 
 ████  ?████▒                                                            ?███?  
  ███??███            ?█████              ????    ?███?????????▒?        ▒███   
  ?██████▒▒?▒???█████████████          ███████████████████████████▒      ?███▒  
  ?██?▒█████████████████? ████▒      ██████████████?▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒?███████▒   ████  
▒████ ?████???██▒          ?████?  █████▒     ▒?                ?████?    ▒███? 
████   ?█████                █████████▒                                    ███? 
███▒      ████?                ▒████▒        Compression Format            ███? 
?███?     ?████?                                                           ?███ 
 ████       ???                                                             ███?
 ?███▒                                                                      ███ 
  ?███?    Compression Format.........: .rar                               ████ 
 █████     # of Parts.................: 1                                 ?███? 
 ████      Filenames..................: OSBA_4011.rar                      ▒███  
 ?███?     Created By.................: WinRAR 3.51                        ████ 
 ▒███      Total Compressed Size......: 530 MB                            ?███ 
 ▒███                                                                      ▒███▒
 ?███▒                                                                    ▒███ 
 ?███▒                                                         ?██?       ▒███  
  ████                                                         ████       █████?
   ████         ▒██?                                           ?████▒     ?█████
   ?███?      ██████?    ?██████?                                ?███████      ?
    ?████  ███████████?███████████▒                ▒████?▒▒???███████████?   ▒██
      ████ ████?  ▒███████?    ████▒   ??███████████████████████████████▒   ████
      ?███           ▒?▒        ?███?███████████████▒  ??████??   ▒████?   ████ 
 ?███████?                       ?███████?                      ?████     ████? 
███████?       Installation         ███?                         ?██▒     ████
███?                                                                       ████    
▒███                                                                       ███?    
 ████▒     Turn clock to 6th Mar 2003 and install as normal.               ███?    
▒███▒                                                                       ███
▒███▒                                                                       ███
▒███?     ?██?                                                             ?███ 
 ███?   ▒█████?                                                           ████? 
 ████  ?████▒                                                            ?███?  
  ███??███            ?█████              ????    ?███?????????▒?        ▒███   
  ?██████▒▒?▒???█████████████          ███████████████████████████▒      ?███▒  
  ?██?▒█████████████████? ████▒      ██████████████?▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒?███████▒   ████  
▒████ ?████???██▒          ?████?  █████▒     ▒?                ?████?    ▒███? 
████   ?█████                █████████▒                                    ███? 
███▒      ████?                ▒████▒              Notes                   ███? 
?███?     ?████?                                                           ?███ 
 ████       ???                                                             ███?  
 ?███▒                                                                      ███ 
  ?███?, the place for collectors, brings you another   ████ 
 █████     cool release of Longhorn, Longhorn Professional 4011.             ████ 
  ▒███                                                                        ▒███ 
 ███?      It is confirmed working and has been tested on virtual            ▒███▒ 
  ▒███     and real machines.                                                 ▒███ 
 ▒███                                                                        ?███ 
 ▒███      Greets to:                                                        ███ 
 ▒███                                                                       ███?
 ▒███  Liebo, sHARD>> and the rest of the OSBA team, and everyone else     ?███ 
 ▒███  who contributes to the OSBA community. Special thanks to Netscrape  ████ 
 ▒███  who made this possible & Koptor and Abyssunderground for mirrors.   ████ 
 ▒███                                                                     ▒███▒ 
 ███?                                                     ??▒?              ?███?
███                                     ▒▒?       ??███████████              ██?
?███   ▒██████?         ?            ▒████████  ?███████████████████████████?████
▒██▒ ?████████████?▒█████████??██████████████████████▒?       ██████████████████?
▒████████    ▒████████████████████████?     ██████                        ?▒▒?   
?█████         ?███?      ????▒                                                 
                                                      NFO by 1of12 / sHARD>>  

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

  • Icons that are selected by the mouse or keyboard gradually become more pixelated.
  • Windows Storage Engine often crashes on startup.
  • The OOBE is broken and closes after the first page.
  • Task Manager stops responding for a few seconds upon starting a new task and also doesn't open upon pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  • The MSN Messenger sign-in page links "Get a .NET password" and "Help" doesn't work

Installation[edit | edit source]

  • There have been several different disc images for this build that were released online over the years. The copy of this build that is widely available has a install.wim corrupted, not installing properly under any circumstances. Some of the copies can install properly, but all long filenames in the winsxs folder of their WinPE got truncated when the ISO was created, hence Setup can't load the desired components which will lead to debug assertion failure errors. This issue can be fixed by restoring the filenames and rebuilding the ISO with the correct parameters.
  • The Preinstallation Environment of this build's installation media has a bug in win32k.sys, which causes setup to fail loading the partitioning page and thus to crash. To install this build, either use a Preinstallation Environment of another build or upgrade from a previous build.
  • Attempting to launch Command Prompt via ⇧ Shift+F10 in Windows PE will trigger a bugcheck with error code 0x0000008E (KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED).

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]